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Fldigi Macros - Examples Wanted

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:09 pm

The summer is ending this weekend and with it the 6M activity.
This year had a couple of firsts for me (my first Oliva Contact on 6M), and so it got me thinking how I could get it together a bit more for next time.

I kept seeing posts on VK Logger saying beacon mode on. or CW Beacon active etc and wondered how your doing that.(Probably a real beginner question)
I have been trying to work out how to get that functionality out of Fldigi using the Macros. Should be easy enough , but not for me it seems. }:[

Google didn't help this time.

Does anyone have a source of example Fldigi macros ? More that what's included in the default build.
Have yo done anything interesting with the macro function?

Here's my thinking.....

I can beacon out say Olivia, all day long but unless you know exactly what it is, or have a well trained Digital ear, you have very little chance of picking the right mode other than going through each one in the list.
I want a macro that sends an Olivia CQ type beacon, then automatically switches to CW at 20wpm to describe the mode used.

So in practice , you hear the CW , decode it, it tells you what mode i'm sending , you set the mode and we are away. Same as having CW id at the end of a WSPR transmission.
But this one is telling you who I am and the mode I was using.

The next step is to script a contact sequence similar to JT65 to automatically complete the contact for a given mode and log it automatically.



Re: Fldigi Macros - Examples Wanted

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:26 am
Hi Brian, I see what you mean about setting up macros, it is not very obvious is it.
Have you tried using Ham Radio Deluxe DM780 instead (another program like FLDigi) as this is pretty strait forward to set up macros and beacon mode etc.

As for identifying what mode you are transmitting, there is already a feature built in that does this very well, it is called RSID, when a signal is received anywhere in the receivers pass band a link appears on screen that identifys the mode and location on the waterfall.

I'd be happy to put up some signals and do some air testing with you. got to get out the door real early this morning, catch up later.

- David VK3KCX

Re: Fldigi Macros - Examples Wanted

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:51 pm

Thanks for the reply. I've been able to get Fldigi to set the modem type , but I cannot get it to change the modem type successfully within the macro.
It seems to be reading the Macro from the end first. I do remember reading something about that in a manual. time to re-read it.

I'm running a Mac so my choice for radio software is limited. I do have other PC's in the house which I should press into action.
I keep coming back to the limitation of the platform. I do like the power of this machine however, heaps of processor grunt.

I'll dig into RSID to find out more. Thanks for the offer for the test signals. may take you up on that for next weekend.
Was out at Wyong Field day today.
