Get Rid of PL259 Connectors

630m (472 kHz) - 10 m (29 MHz) antennas, propagation, operating, etc
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Get Rid of PL259 Connectors

Post by VK4QB »

For years we have been plagued with the PL259/UHF/SO239 connectors.
They work, but hey, they give lottsa trouble! In the aircraft industry, they went out around 1960 or thereabouts. We had lots of trouble to stop these connectors coming lose due to vibration. Tightening them up with multigrip pliers was only temporary. Tape around them was also temporary. After we changed over to BNC and type N and C the problems of loose connectors was a thing of the past until when the aircraft changed to SSB in there HF communications. The Australian manufactures of aircraft HF gear went and used the SO239/UHF connectors and the old problems arose again..... loose connectors!!!. What annoys me is that the amateur gear manufacturers have not learnt either, that these connectors are troublesome, still. All they need to do is to go to BNC connectors and then NO MORE TROUBLES !! Wont handle the power ? Crap. They will go to 1000 mHz , handle legal maximum power OK, are substantally waterproof , well- - shower proof and they make it easy to change cables. There are lots of adaptors for different size cables. I use an SO 239 to BNC adaptors as a stop gap, until I can make the change to BNC on the equipment. Why do we put up with them ? I don't. I change ! My antenna connector troubles are a thing of the past, where they belong !!!! :D
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Re: Get Rid of PL259 Connectors

Post by VK4XA »

Personally, I prefer 'N' Connectors.
IMHO they are easier to install than PL259's and can handle more power + they are waterproof.

Sounds like a winner in my book.
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